In Class
Tuesday 2/11 and Friday 2/14
I, Patrick, started to make a basic chassis using the GearsEd and VEX robot parts in the classroom. The first picture shows the chassis, before it is finished
Matt worked on the camera and laser pointer gimbal. The second picture shows the initial gimbal.
On Friday, we changed the gimbal slightly to allow the camera to move as well.
We both worked on the motors and the mounts for them.
Outside of Class
Friday 2/14
I, Patrick, learned how to use the Arduino programming language by making simple programs to make LEDs blink, integrate a switch, and light a seven segment display. I also researched how to wire different IR sensors. The first video shows the LEDs flashing and the switch changing the light pattern.
Matt modified/ added to the gimbal to make it more stable for servo sweeping (camera and laser). He then calibrated the servos so that the laser would point to the relative center of the "target" area created by the camera. The third picture shows the modified gimbal with the laser and camera mounted.
Matt worked for about three hours. I worked for about an hour.
Saturday 2/15
I, Patrick, researched how to program the HC-SR04, the GP2d12, and the 2Y0A02 IR sensors with Arduino for object avoidance. Using the LED programs, I made a simple test program for each sensor to see which one worked the best. The shorter ranged GP2D12 did ok up to about 15-20 inches. The HC-SR04 did great to about 22-24 inches. The 2Y0A02 did the best at 24-26 inches. This sensor seemed to do the best consistently. The second video shows the HC-SR04 detecting objects, hands, in its path. A green LED means the path is clear and a red LED indicates a blocked path. Since the 2Y0A02 and the GP2D12 are similar sensors, except for range, I only took a video of the 2Y0A02. All three programs used a switch to start detecting objects. Since we decided to have 2 IR sensors looking forward, I made the program reflect that. I also found the various datasheets.
Matt attempted to interface the GPS to Arduino. After a couple of hours of testing and modifying programs to no avail, he finally gave up. The fourth and fifth pictures shows the GPS and its code.
Matt and I worked for about 2 hours.
Matt successfully wired and programmed the XBees, the XBee Pro S1s. He was able to establish a link between the two, after he researched how they worked. He also worked on a Google maps API interface using LabVIEW and a program from robotic teaming as a start. He also attempted to get the GPS working. He was able to successfully get the GPS The sixth picture shows the XBees.
Matt worked for about 3 hours.
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Start of Chassis |
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Initial Gimbal With Camera and Laser |
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Arduino LED/Switch Test |
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Current Gimbal With Camera and Laser |
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HC-SR04 IR Test |
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2Y0A02 IR Test |
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GPS Data |
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Cirocomm GPS |
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XBee Pro S1 |