Sunday, February 23, 2014

Shaft Research, Gimbal, Motor Mounts, Housing - Matt/Patrick/Mike

Friday 2/21


Matt worked on the GPS to get it more efficient and be more precise/accurate.  He then assembled what he and I made for the gimbal.  The gimbal housing now allows the camera and laser platform to sweep on the x-axis; the laser then can move even more on the x-axis and can also look up and down on the y-axis.  He made this way so that the housing would be very strong and stable.  He also made it so it would be easy to add y-axis movement for the camera.

Mike researched more ways to modify the shafts and cogs.  He chose a solution that would be easy and quick to complete (with help from Patrick and Dr. B).  This solution consists of....    Mike then made angled mounts for the front IR sensors so that objects wouldn't be missed by the sensors.  He also added more tread pieces to the tank treads since Patrick thought they might not be long enough.

I, Patrick, reinforced the motor mounts.  I thought the robot needed to be raised of the ground slightly.  I added 2" standoffs to the motor mounts.  Unfortunately, this did not actually work since the mounts became weaker.  I also assembled a very basic housing for the brains.

Outside of class

I, Patrick, removed the 2" standoffs from the motor mounts since that idea did not work as planned.  I assembled a more advanced hinged-roof housing for the battery, motor controllers, etc.  This new housing has a hinged access door to separate the gimbal from the other, previously listed components.  The whole housing then rotates on an axle and is then stopped by the chassis.  I also moved the supports for the housing to the outer part of the chassis from the inner part to make room for the laptop and a "control box."  This box will hold all the electronic components aside from the IR sensors.

New Gimbal (W/ Laser and Camera)
New Gimbal (Side View)
Motor Mounts (W/ Standoffs) & Basic Housing
Motor Mount (W/ Standoffs) Close-up
Reinforced Motor Mount
Angled IR Sensor Mounts
Unmounted Motors & New Reinforced Housing
Opening the Housing
Housing Nearly Open All the Way

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