Sunday, February 23, 2014

Motor/Wheel/IR Sensor Mount, GPS, Gimbal - Matt/Patrick/Mike

Tuesday 2/18


Matt continued to work on the GPS.  He modified the code after testing since he was getting bad data.  I believe he was successful in getting it to work.  He also worked on the camera and laser gimbal. He started to make it stronger and more stable by making a platform for everything to sit on.

Mike researched how to modify the gears and shafts for the treads so they would fit.  He came up with a few ideas like using three cogs.  Holes would be drilled in them to allow the cogs to be connected together.  So Patrick could do some locomotion tests, Mike mounted the Pittman motors, two on each side.  Since the treads are not completely ready, he attached some wheels on the motors just so it could move.

I,Patrick, switched between helping Matt and Mike.  For the first part of class I helped decide how and where to mount the motors along with shaft modifications.  I then switched to helping Matt make the gimbal stronger.  I made the "housing" for the laser and camera stronger.  I then made a platform that would rotate the camera on the x-axis.

Outside of class

I, Patrick, mounted and reinforced the front facing IR sensors, leaving space for the ground facing IR sensors to be mounted later.  I also started making a housing that would protect the "brains," the Arduino boards, the battery, laptop, and other electrical items. This housing is hinged, meaning it can be moved out of the way when someone needs to access the brains and then put back when finished.

Chassis (W/ Motor Mounts, Wheels, IR Sensors)
Pittman Motors, Mounted
Reinforced IR Sensor Mounts
Start of Hinged-Roof Housing

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