Sunday, April 27, 2014

Compass/New Gimbal Calibration, IR Integration, New Gimbal/Switch/Light Mounted, Wired Switch/Light, Rewrote Gimbal Sweep - Matt/Mike/Patrick

Tuesday 4/22

Before class, Mike took the old gimbal apart and rebuilt it so it would be stronger, smaller, and not as shaky.  The camera is now on the right underneath the gun and no longer sweeps.

Matt tested the new gimbal.  It is much stronger and smaller than before and it doesn't wobble, sway and give as much too.  He then tested the compass outside, but still had issues since the robot would spin in circles.  After class, Matt rewrote the compass program, integrated the IR, and finished soldering and wiring the switch and light.  He had to resolder the switch since Mike accidently made the leads too short.

Mike, with help from Patrick, mounted the new gimbal.  He then cut the positive lead (wire) for the battery so the switch could be soldered in.  He also soldered 5V super bright red LED to 330 Ohm resistor to be used in place of the 12V LEDs in the warning light.

Patrick punched a hole for the warning light on the cover, first drilling a hole for the the punch.  I then drilled a hole for the exposed wires so they would be as hidden as possible.  I also drilled a hole for the switch.

Mounting New Gimbal
Wiring Up New Gimbal
Mike Soldering Warning Light
Master Switch Mounted, Gimbal Wires Cleaned Up
Warning Light Mounted

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